Are Life Coaches Worth It?

This is one of the top asked questions about life coaches from Google. So, for my very first blog post, I thought I’d write about it!

The simple answer is yes, hiring a life coach is 100% worth it! But I’m biased. Not only because I am a life coach, but because I have benefitted from working with one. My life is better because I have a coach.

I think the better question to answer may be “when is hiring a life coach NOT worth it?”

Hiring a life coach is not a bandaid. It will not passively help you heal. You’ve got to put in the work. So unless you’re willing to get the (metaphorical) bactine, clean out that wound, put on the Neosporin, and change that bandaid daily, coaching may not be worth it for you. A coach isn’t going to do the hard work for you, in fact, we can’t! We can’t make you get out of bed on time, prepare healthy meals, organize your life, schedule conversations with your partner, journal about your mindset, or any of the other reasons you thought about hiring a coach.

You have to do that.

In order for life coaching to be worth it you need to come into your coaching engagement ready to put in the work to change. Your coach can help you figure out exactly what you want to change, you certainly don't need to have it all figured out, but expect some introspection. Expect to do more talking than listening. Expect to be given some homework. And if you hire me (😉) expect to be asked to provide progress reports!

So when you’re ready to put in the work, life coaching will be absolutely worth it for you!


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